
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Jozi - Joburg - JHB - Johannesburg

Finally we'll be up in Jozi - we've been talking about it for long enough and will be up in the big smoke from Tuesday 20 September.
There will be quite a bit happening from our side while we are in town - some dates to diarise:

22-25 September - The Good Food and Wine Show at the Coca-Cola Dome (10am-9pm, except Sunday which ends at 6pm). (for full details of the show). We'll be taking a large selection of our range with us to the show so that JHB can really see what we are all about. Lewis will be there for all 4 days and Oded will be making an appearance each day for a few hours

Sat, 24 September - Book launch and tasting session of our range at the Cheese Gourmet in Linden. Yes, book launch! Oded's Kitchen has relaunched his first book entitled "In Search of Plenty" - the book (in Oded's words) "is a Jewish cooking 101 and a 201". Everything you ever wanted to know about Jewish cuisine and probably quite a bit that you never even thought to ask! The introduction section is incredibly informative and then he goes into even greater detail about Sephardi and Ashkenazi cooking.
The reading will begin at 1pm on Saturday and Oded will be there from noon to demo our products. He will also be taking any questions either about the book or the range.
No need to reserve a place for this as we will be there during normal trading hours of the store.
(for details about the Cheese Gourmet)
Books will be on sale at the reading.

Mon, 26 September - Wild Ox and Leviathan Meal/Lecture
Again, the Cheese Gourmet in Linden have kindly let us use there shop to give you a truly unique food experience. The Wild Ox and Leviathan Lecture is a discussion that Oded has created based on food inspired from the Old Testament. The best way to illustrate this is to discuss one of the dishes - Abraham's Stew - if you know your Torah/bible, you may remember the story of Abraham meeting the angels when they tell him that his wife will fall pregnant. What you may not remember is a short line that says Abraham feeds them a lamb stew with yoghurt. Now if you know the laws of Kosher, you'll know that meat and milk should not be mixed - but remember that Abraham was the first Jew and the laws of Kashrut had not been formulated! Oded creates a stew using lamb and yoghurt (plus a few other ingredients) based on this short line.
The rest of the lecture goes along those lines, with Oded creating dishes based on discussions/passages and using his many (don't ask how many!) years of experience as a cook (he doesn't like to be called a chef).
The event will start at 7:30pm and we ask for people to please arrive from 7pm.
Booking is essential and the cost of a ticket is R225 (bookings through The Cheese Gourmet, Jo is the person to speak to 011 888 5384 or contact for details)
A vegetarian meal, cooked by Oded, will be served after the lecture and Oded will be on hand to answer any of your questions.

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