
Friday, July 9, 2010

9 July 2010

Greetings all,

We hope all is well and you are eating some good food...please let us know where and what if you are...

The seasons have changed and while the cold weather is coming in - from a preserving point of view we are loving it as a lot of fruit and veg that we couldn’t get access to is back in season.

As a result we have been cooking up a few new products that I must draw your attention to:

Guava and Vanilla Jelly – this is a lovely sweet jelly that works well spread on your toast/bread (that’s how Oded likes it), but goes equally well with meats and soft cheese (I like it with my brie). I would certainly say this is one for the guava lovers.

Tomato & Ginger Jam – firstly thanks to Colleen for replying via Twitter to our request for the spicing to use – we were debating between making it sweet with vanilla or savoury with coriander – Colleen suggested ginger and then a few people walked into the shop that said exactly the same thing. So...we have a sweet jam with the tickle of ginger that does hit the spot.

Pate – Oded has been very excited about the success of his first two pates – chicken liver & country (using pork belly) that he has decided to redo them for the weekend as well as a wild game pate and a rainbow(!) vegetable terrine. The pates will be sold by weight so can be cut to any size you wish.

Cr̬me Brulee РI am so happy that this product has done so well РI am a huge fan of this dessert and Oded does an exception version. Using our organic Bourbon vanilla, the freshest cream from our new diary (Sonnendal) and free range eggs (Nirvana Farms Рby the way the eggs are available in the shop at R12 for a half dozen). The dish can be blowtorched before you leave the shop or grab a sachet of vanilla sugar to put on top and heat in the oven for 5 minutes.

Chocolate Pudding – a thick, creamy (70% Belgium), chocolate dessert with a twist of rosemary. Yummmmmmmmmmmm!

Baked Apples – lots of desserts in the shop this weekend...this was actually the first dish I ever made at the tender age of 7! Oded makes it a good deal better than I ever could and uses our vanilla, mint, almonds and walnuts. Great heated up with a bit of ice cream or cream.

Rudi’s Sausages - We still stock Rudi’s sausages in the shop – a really fantastic range of fresh sausages that we highly recommend. If we can’t do it better we buy in, and these guys are taking CT by storm for their range of fresh sausages. We know them from the various markets we do in and around CT and can’t praise them enough.

Olives Go Wild – Our house olive oil that we use throughout our range is this young company called Olives Go Wild – they are blenders and pretty darn good at their job. The oil that we use is their Frontai and has a young grassy smell to it without any trace of bitterness. Also to be used as a salad oil. We sell it in 2 liter and 250ml sizes.

Birthday Party

Oded’s Kitchen is officially 1 year old...actually we are slightly older, but have been supplying delis since the first week of July 2009. To celebrate this milestone we are putting on a little party at the shop. So if you would like to come along, please RSVP Lewis on 021 447 0400 or

First Anniversary Party

Date: 27 July

Time: 6-8pm (we will probably make a speech at about 7pm)

Venue: Oded’s Kitchen (The Old Biscuit Mill, 373 Albert Rd, Salt River, CT)

We will have a few new products that we would love some feedback on, so please don’t eat before you come!

Cooking classes

Time: 11am to +-3pm (depending on cooking times)

Day: Sunday

Venue: Oded’s Kitchen (The Old Biscuit Mill, 373 Albert Rd, Salt River, CT)

Cost: R400

No: Classes are limited to a maximum of 8

You need only bring yourself to the classes as everything you need will be provided – aprons, recipes, utensils (please bring a favourite knife if you have one), ingredients, a snack lunch and a take home of whatever you make during the class.

11 July – Preserving – Oded will begin the class with a short lecture on the history of preserving and then proceed to a tasting of part of the current range. It’s then roll up sleeves and begin cooking. We will do three different preserves – marmalade (seasonal – this weekend’s is a citrus marmalade), salsa (3-tomato) and a pickle (Tannie Zelda’s). By the end of the class participants will be able to make each of these 3 on their own. Oded will also touch on health and hygiene issues and will also answer all your questions about preserving and anything else cooking related. This class is great for the beginner and intermediate preserver (we also do a master preserving class for the more experienced – please enquire about this one as we will do a class once we have a group of 8).

25 July – Traditional Jewish Being Jewish, Oded has been cooking traditional fare ever since his cooking career began. He adds a gourmet touch to any dish that will put a tear in your bobba’s eye. Our kitchen is not kosher, but we will use traditional ingredients to make the dishes. Oded begins the class with a short lecture about Jewish cuisine and how it is influenced by the environment and people that make/eat the food. The class is centered on a 3 course meal – starter of chicken livers; main course of holishkes and potato kugel and dessert of cheese blintzes. Great for the total novice to Jewish cooking or for those of your who have been cooking for years but want a bit of a gourmet touch.


This weekend we will be at the following markets:

Biscuit Mill – operating from the shop – come check out the specials mentioned above. If the weather is good enough we will have a chiminea out the front with something delicious cooking in or on it.

Stellenbosch – Madre will be here for us and will be bringing some of our fresh products as well. If you have never been to this market, it is really good and the type of place that should be the beginning or middle of your day trip to the winelands area.

Tokai Earth Fair Market – in Kirstenhof/Tokai – building a reputation as a serious gourmet destination

That’s all for, drink and be merry

Oded, Lewis and the rest of the team at Oded’s Kitchen

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